1) Motorola, unoffically, has unveiled the next Apple iTunes compatible phone. The SLVR L7, according to Engadget has the exact same user interface as the current ROKR, but has better hardware specs. The only major difference was that this phone didn’t have a headphone jack, but had iTunes compatibilty, which means that Motorola is working on wireless bluetooth stero headsets. According to Cingular the Moto ROKR phone has over 6x the amount of returns than any other phone, so lets hope that this remake is a bit better.
Link: Engadget | PhoneScoop
2) Windows Live (BETA) has been launched. It is a very similar service to My Yahoo and iGoogle, but is expected to have some unique features. It is currently unclear why Micrsoft launched this when My MSN now supports RSS feeds and when they just lauched Start.com, which is almost the same thing. MSN claims to have Firefox support soon, which might attract some users to their service. The MSN LiveCom Blog states the reason for creating this was to have another site that has integrated features with Hotmail and other NetPassport sites. Micrsoft will also be calling MSN Hotmail & Messenger, Windows Live Mail and Messenger for future versions.
Link: Micrsoft Press Release | Windows Live Ideas
More: Start.com Blog | Live.com Blog | MSN Sandbox
Related: My Yahoo | My MSN | iGoogle
3) Yahoo! just released a new BETA version of their Mapping service, which is very similar to Google Maps. Instead of being based of JAVA like Google, Yahoo! has created the entire browser-based application from Flash. Yahoo Locals and Traffic is currently built-in to the service. Yahoo Maps also has popup bubbles just like Google’s service does that displays data about location selected. This service is no where as great as Google’s product, but is still worth trying out. (P.S. Yahoo currently does not have satellite imagery)
Link: Yahoo! Maps BETA | Current Yahoo! Maps
Related: Google Maps | MSN Virtual Earth
iTunes sells 1 Million Videos – Yahoo
FREE $5 MovieLink Credit – link
Google Desktop v2.o Released – BetaNews
AOL launches a Music Store – link
PSP can now play all video formats – PSPUpdates
IE Tab in Firefox Extension – Mozilla.org
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