Last month, Skatter Tech brought you the ever so popular HTC EVO 4G vs. Droid Incredible Infographic. And due to popular demand, today I present the first HTC EVO 4G vs. Apple iPhone 4 vs. Motorola Droid X Infographic. Does it even need an explanation? These three devices are the most powerful smart phones on the market, period. AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon couldn’t have asked for more; the iPhone 4, EVO 4G, and Droid X, respectively, are the best each has to offer.
And in case you missed it, we’ve got our full review of the HTC EVO 4G and details about the Apple iPhone 4 and Motorola Droid X available as well. Reviews of the last two coming soon.
Click on Infographic to enlarge. Feel free to blog, tweet, and share it. But please credit our hard work!
What are your thoughts about these three smartphones? Which one will you be buy? Did we miss anything in our infographic? Let us know in the comments!
Our in-depth reviews of the Apple iPhone 4 and Motorola Droid X are coming soon. While you are waiting, please feel free to subscribe to our RSS Feed or sign up for Email Subscriptions. You can always find us on Facebook and Twitter as well!
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Editor’s Note: Alex Harvey-Gurr, Sharath Shroff, Ian Thackston, and Sahas Katta contributed to this.
I love my Evo 4G it is easy to use and cant go wrong, Iphone You meet your match
Certains malveillants ont osé prétendre que les 225.000 applications de l’AppStore ne seraient qu’un “rideau de fumée marketing”, ce chiffre de 200.000 étant aberrant.
Quel blasphème à l’égard de notre Très Cher Steve !
J’ai donc décidé d’apporter la démonstration que les 200.000 applications sont bien une réalité, et sont toutes utiles et utilisables.
Donc, je me suis transformé en testeur, sur mon précieux iPhone.
Cela à raison de DIX tests d’applications différentes par jour.
Et à ce rythme, j’aurais donc achevé ma tâche, et testé toutes les applications de l’AppStore, dans SEULEMENT SOIXANTE ET UN ANS !
Qui oserait encore prétendre que le chiffre de 225.000 applications n’a aucune véritable signification ?
Alors, mes frères AppleManiaques, n’hésitez pas, et faites savoir partout que BIG BROTHER nous surveille, et ne manquera pas de châtier comme il se doit tous ceux qui osent critiquer l’iPhone (car ils sont manifestement de mauvaise foi, étant donné que l’iPhone est parfait)
Je compte sur vous pour agir avec fermeté, et sans la moindre pitié.
Et n’hésitez pas à recopier ce post sur un maximum de forums, afin de faire progresser notre juste cause !
Vive Notre vénéré iGourou !
Votre dévoué Président des AppleFanBoys de France.
I was excited to get the EVO 4G the morning it was released, and I waited, cash in hand, to be among the first at the Sprint store upon its release. Unfortunately my first impression of the phone was not good. The EVO is clunky and barely fit in my pocket. I found the kickstand to be silly and made the phone more like a digital picture frame than a phone.
The phone did not feel right in my hand. I put it down and walked out of the store where I patiently waited to pre order an iPhone4.
I am soooo glad I waited.
Like 99% of smart phone users, I purchased an inexpensive rubber cover for the unit that wraps around the antenna. I have NEVER experienced the reduced signal strength or dropped calls that can occur from the “death grip” reported by Consumer Reports and iPhone4 detractors. This is a NON-ISSUE when using a protective case!!! So, like Consumer Reports wrote, the iPhone4 is the best phone on the market. They only held back recommending it until Apple releases a fix – or free case – for the phone. The report was clear to mention that the iPhone was the clear winner in many of the other smart phone categories.
Regarding the apps, well, Apple is the clear winner – again – as Google’s Android apps are often spyware and malware traps. Countless complaints against Google’s lack of oversight on apps should be the big news – but of course the media would rather complain about the one thing they can find fault with against the iPhone4.
egarding the camera – I was impressed that the EVO has an 8mp camera – at first. See, like Steve Jobs said during the iPhone release, don’t get hung up on the numbers. As a photographer I can say from experience that the number of mega pixels is not the definition of a phone’s quality. The iPhone uses superior optics and software on their phone over the competition, making it a great camera for a phone.
Regarding lack of FLASH on iPhone4 – again, at first this was almost a deal breaker – until I spoke with Android users who told me that Flash was buggy and a resource hog. It IS possible to view FLASH on iPhone but one would have to jailbreak. I’m fine without it and I’m glad Jobs is pushing the industry to innovate more reliable and less buggy programs.
The following is borrowed from an above post:
iPh4 – superior screen resolution.
iPh4 – superior screen touch sensitivity.
iPh4 – superior battery life.
iPh4 – superior apps in market by quality and quantity.
iPh4 – most secure apps – all code certified unlike Androids malware.
iPh4 – better camera pic’s. Megapixels are only half the configuration.
iPh4 – fits in normal pockets.
iPh4 – doesn’t look fugly like an Android phone, more sleek style.
And who cares about 4G right now? The majority of users can’t even get it. Get back to me in a year or two – when AT&T rolls out their own next generation signal – and we’ll see where we are. I have no doubt that Apple will update the iPhone to take advantage of 4G when it’s available. Oh, side by side photo comparisons of iPhone camera pics and EVO camera pics put APPLE ahead. It’s not about MegaPixels – contrary to what most people who buy electronics at Walmart think.
You are a LYING MORON, LIAR just like AAPL/Jobs who denied and LIED about their nasty emails to customers, iFAKED signal strength.
EVO 4G is 8 laptops hotspot, iPhone4 NONE
EVO 4G has FM radio, iPhone NOT
EVO 4G has HDMI outlet to TV, iPhone NOT
EVO 4G has 8mp camarra, iPhone 5mp
EVO 4G runs on 3G & 4G network, iPhone runs only on 3G only, has ZEROOOO 4G and can’t run on any 4G network at all.
EVO 4G video chats over WiFi and 3G/4G cell network; iPhone only over WiFi and NOT cell network.
EVO 4G can remove battery, iPhone NOT
EVO 4G has kickstand, iPhone NOT
EVO 4G is 4 times faster than iPhone
Charles, do you look at facts,
the touch sensitivity is the same
battery life is only greater if not calling or on connected to the internet, if you are, it is less
the camra on the droid x records in 720p, iphone is no where close
the iphone is geting recalled for terrible reception, anteina issue
the droid x is not that much bigger for a much bigger screen, only about half an inch tall, .19 inches wider, and .03 inches deeper, you must have weird pokets cause that fits in mine
droid has adobe flash
the standerd memory on the droid x is more besause it comes with a 16g micro sd, brining the memory up to 24g, the maximum memory on the droid is 40g, if you get a 32g micro disk,
and the droid has an hdmi output, for its hd video
so the droid is much better, if you can’t see it you are a retart
Same size, both wit kickstands, iph4 has better resolosulusion and so forth when you learn to use it, complicated.
AAPL fanboys are iTARDS and iFOOLS. They want people to believe $10 bill/note is better than $100 bill, i.e., 5mp camarra is better than 8mp camarra.
Adni, chill out. You’re only discrediting yourself by being so extremist.
You idiot. go make two movies with both and compare them; then you will see who is iTarted.
Wow, I didn’t realize that the majority of posters on this site were children and/or immature. How disappointing. It is obvious that what I said was glossed over or disregarded completely. As a college educated photographer and OWNER OF THE iPHONE4, I can tell you emphatically that there is more the MegaPixels than the number. Optics, software, and design have more to do with picture quality. The kickstand can be purchased as part of a case if desired. I do not desire one as I don’t care to carry around a digital picture frame. It is not useful when typing or playing games, either. The battery life on the iPhone4 rivals any other smartphone, ergo, no extra battery is needed. You accusation that I am LYING is a reflection on your own intelligence level and ability to read my comment through.
Typical children hung up on “my phone is bigger than yours” while ignoring quality, design, and intuitive interface. I bet my iphone outlasts your flash–in-the-pan flavor of the month device. At least I know I won’t have my identity stolen by some Android crappy app. Go back to school and learn to read, morons. I bet you still use a PC. Looser.
Charles you are a moron. You are telling us to go back to school and you can’t even spell loser right??? You are an iTard. 2 of my friends have already taken their Iphone 4’s back because they keep dropping calls. This is a phone correct? Then it should at least perform the basics….and it can’t! FAIL
Yeah, I am so sure your friends returned their phones. And your calling ME a liar. Stop the hate, dude.
Eric, you fail the mention even one thing where the iPhone4 excels over the other phones. Your list does not impress me. Your Flash capability is riddled with bugs – a reason Steve Jobs chose to drop it. And if Flash is so important it can still be had on the iPhone, but it must be jailbroken.
I’ll take my safe and malware free apps with Apple, thank you. I don’t need to get another platform like Windows that is infested with spyware and malware.
I have a 32GB iPhone4 – which is plenty big for my intended uses. Enjoy your extra few GB’s if you need them so badly. Good for you.
The resolution on the iPhone4 screen is the best in the market.
Read the Consumer Reports article on the iPhone4. The ONLY reason they have a problem with it is because of the antenna issue. Other than that CR stated that IT IS THE BEST SMART PHONE ON THE MARKET – HANDS DOWN. And, the antenna problems is a non issue for most users because most people use a case or bumper. There are no problems with signal strength when a bumper or case is in use.
Your argument for why your Android phone is better than the iPhone4 does not impress me. You have avoided mentioning any of the things that draw people to Apple. I’ll take my intuitive OS, my safe and malware free apps, and awesome customer care. Oh, calling someone a “tard” or a “retard” because they are discussing a telephone is ignorant. Get over your my-dick-is-bigger-than-yours mentality.
I’m really happy you all are passionate about your phones, but let’s dial it down a bit. These comments are becoming increasingly hostile, which is really unnecessary considering all three devices are phenomenal. Try to stay open-minded and don’t feed the trolls. Let’s keep this more of a forum for intelligent discussion and less of a wall of flame.
Each phone in my opinion are very closely matched, and what it really comes down to is preference. I was an avid iphone user when it first came out and still impressed by the many applications, quality….. and I admit they design a beautiful phone. I have slowly converted over to Android phones though because of their open source applications, improvements in quality/design and selection of phones. AND the biggest reason not restricted to the AT&T Network.The AT&T network in my opinion is the real deal killer here, with limited data plans and over worked under performing network. Also when it comes to 4G, I think this really is not a debate. I am currently working on the Sprint 4G Network (Southern California) and in my humble opinion will not be completely ready nationwide for at least 1-2 years. All three of these phones will be obsolete once the 4g network is really up and running. (including Verizons LTE 1-2 years)
Finally, an intelligent conversation that adds some substance to the debate… thanks Koa!
I would like to point out a few opinions I have. I agree with a few others that are not fanboys and state all these phones are awesome. Anyone would be happy with any of them. I have had the chance to own an EVO 4G, play with my friends brand new droid X (today), and play with an iphone 4. The EVO has been my favorite but the X falls just behind it to me in overall quality. The X is slightly longer and wider and the interface is not nearly as beautiful as the HTC sense interface. The Iphone interface is also great but I can’t stand having to sync it to Itunes anytime I want to transfer files. When you hook up a droid you can select it as a external HD so its the same as if you put a flash drive in which makes is so easy to swap files, delete, etc. I really do not notice a difference in picture quality between the 3 at least on the handsets but maybe blown up full size I would. The kickstand I actually use alot when watching videos on my desk at work while I keep working so it’s not that silly. I do admit the EVO HD video recording is a bit choppy and the X and Iphone beat it in this category. I love open source and so many Iphone people complain that its full of malware well only if you are a retard that installs unknown apps accessing all your information most relaible developers give you details on why it needs to access certain parts on your phone. The battery life used to suck on my EVO but with the OTA update it now last my full 10 hours at work playing with it alot. That’s all I need it to last for at least. I hear the X has better battery life than the Iphone but since the X hasnt been out long enough I dont want to state that as a fact.
It really boils down to what you want in your phone. You can clearly see from the chart above the droids have more features than the Iphone but do you need those is the question. I didn’t see anything mentioned in the chart about the noise canceling microphone which is a very nice passive device to have. If you think the kickstand is pointless then yes dont count it but I thought it was too till I got the phone and I find myself using it all the time. I also live in Orlando that is about to have 4G so im very glad to have the EVO for that fact. Also with the simple to set up free teather ability I cant wait for 4G cause then my internet bill is gone and I will save 50 a month. Sprint is also very cheap and at least at my job here I get better reception then verizon and ATT. My friend with the X when we download apps and search the web we have to go outside I also have a friend with the droid on verizon with the same problems. ATT works well in the building but not nearly as fast of speeds as the people that have sprint here. All in all they are great and if you say the Iphone is better then get it and move on. I thought the EVO was better so I got it for price, network, android, and screen size. My iphone friend think his screen size is better. I also have a friend out of town that just switched to sprint and got the evo and he likes it more than the Iphone 3gs he had and loves not having to deal with itunes anymore.
Just get what you want and be happy. I would be happy with any of them but I am more happy with my EVO 4G.
It’s amazing how badly iPhone 4 sucks. It’s also amazing how Apple Fanboys will defend it until the end of time. I will freely note first off that I am not a fanboy by any stretch, however I do have the 3GS, which I love. I did buy the iPhone 4, and it was so terrible that I returned it and went back to my current 3GS. It was just that bad. It’s hilarious to me what Apple fanboys are saying in forums and blogs all across the web, defending this thing like it’s some sacred gem, pretending all its issues don’t even exist. Ridiculous. Check out the video I made on YouTube about “An Apple Fanboy’s take on Life…”. It’s at
iPhone4 has a serious defect, it’s a malfunctioning phone, dropping calls and signals. Worse it has been iFAKING signals. Thats fraud, showing signals when there isn’t, Jobs admited to that.
Consumer report said not to buy iPhone4 because of it’s serious defect. What if 911 Droped calls causes real deaths?
AAPL/Jobs has forever been lying and dishonest about their security issues and malfunctioning products, then blame the consumers and media.
AAPL/Jobs has lied about the antena malfunction.
AAPL/Jobs has lied about the nasty emails to customers
AAPL/Jobs has been more dishonest and ruthless and selfish than the Chinese communist regime.
If it was any other company they would have been in more hot water than AAPL is right now.
iPhone4 is a marketting gimmic. It is not capable of running on 4G network and does not run on 4G network. Only EVO 4G and soon coming Samsung Epic 4G runs on 4G network
AAPL/Jobs has been forgiven all the time for all wrongs, including on your face lies, and 3rd party blame game.
I’m a happy owner of the HTC Evo. If I were on the fence before about whether to go with the Evo or the iPhone 4, the ridiculous response of Steve Jobs and Apple to the iPhone 4’s antenna flaw would have pushed me over to the Android side.
Blaming your customers for a design flaw and then attempting to spread that blame to the rest of the industry just smacks of arrogance and poor customer relations.
My question is, if the iPhone has been so rigorously tested and evaluated for ease of use, how could such an obvious design flaw make it through to final product?
I enjoy the Evo’s 4.3″ display. It’s great for watching video and the kickstand makes the experience much more pleasant and relaxing…it’s a very clever design touch in my opinion.
I was recently in Chicago for business and experienced 4G connectivity for the first time…WOW! Like have a cable internet connection straight into the phone! I can’t wait for this to come to my neck of the woods.
I’m not going to enter into the back-and-forth nastiness between Apple owners and Android owners. Both phones are quality devices and each has its own advantages. Apple and the iPhone deserve credit for “waking up” the industry and showing how smartphones could evolve past Blackberry.
Honestly, I feel Apple products are better suited for the “tech-noob” crowd who just want an advanced device that is simple to use. I have good friends that adore their iPhones and more power to them. But I’m afraid in terms of the raw power of the device, the Evo and Droid X are the first phones to move past the iPhone. In a sense, the whole debate is academic since the open-source nature of Android means that development will move exponentially faster than the iPhone.
Funny video all about irrational iPhone obsession:
Love the post, JayBee. It’s an honest and educated observation that makes sense and avoids name calling and childish commentary. I am amazed at the passion/hate on either side of this issues.
I’m interested to see what products Apple comes out with next. It seems they do a great job of coming out with innovative products that change the market place dramatically, leaving other companies to scramble to catch up. I’m not saying that other companies don’t innovate – they do – but it just seems that Apple really sets the bar in many aspects of the market.
You know, in earlier posts I blindly defended my new iPhone4. In one way, the iPhone4 has no competition because either you want to buy into Apple’s closed-but-safe marketplace, their OS, quality and design, and top-notch support, or you don’t. Also, if you want a mobile phone that works seamlessly with your Mac the iPhone is a no brainer. Of course, if you are a PC user, or, if you prefer the open OS of phones running Android, then there are an assortment of excellent choices. As a non-geek, and as someone who needs to use a computer to get my photography work done, I prefer my Mac. I’ve used both for years and the Apple just makes more sense to me. To be honest, the “closed” aspect of Apple products makes my life easier and gives me piece of mind. I can understand why a “geek” would prefer the open Android platform. That makes sense. I’m glad the Android is on the market. This will keep Apple, and other companies, on their toes to assure us that more innovative and competitive products will be released in the near future. So, it seems there’s something for everyone. No name calling or insults necessary.
@Charles: totally agreed! Check out my YouTube video about Apple Fanboys…pretty funny. :-)
That reception shit is such a joke my iPhone is perfect and it takes better pictures then the 8mp cameras which I don’t get but it does. My iPhone is better then any evo but the droid is pretty neat but it isn’t better
Hey “Joe Somebody”, I just want to let you know that I agree with you completely. I can’t replicate the reported iPhone4 antenna issue at all. I’m sure the problem exists, but it’s mostly media hype. If this happened in any other phone (and it does) it would be a non issue which would go unreported. I’ve NEVER used a perfect phone and the media has never reported on any of these problems.
As I explained in an earlier post, the number of mega Pixels is only a portion of what makes a digital photograph. People often mistakenly believe that more mega pixels means a better camera – because this is what someone at the Walmart electronics counter told them. In reality, optics, software, a sensor, etc. all combine to create a digital image. Steve Jobs went out of his way to say “don’t get hung up on the numbers” regarding the iPhone4 camera. I compared some photos side by side to some of the popular Android phones and the iPhone images are clearly superior. I’m disappointed with iPhone4 flash photos, however. The flash does seem to give off an even light across my images in some circumstances. I’ll have to try some more flash pics to see if it was just the particular subjects I was shooting.
If I needed to stay in a Verizon contract I would have been happy to get a Droid X, and if I preferred a Sprint contract I would have been happy to get the EVO. Lucky for me, AT&T has a great signal in my area so iPhone4 made sense. I have nothing but praise for the device.
DroID x iS waY bEtTeR Than thE oTHeR TWo BeCaUSE iTS oN A BettER NetWorK
Eat YoUR HeaRTs Out IphOnE AnD EVo.
iPhone’s stink because apple stinks. I left apple and att becuase I was tired of being steve jobs b***h. android has all the useful apps that apple offers (totalitarian system similar to the Obama regime) and more without having to wear the a**l probe you iphone geeks love. Face it. The iphone was great but now has been CLEARLY surpassed in technology, features, speed and (YES I SAID IT) industrial design aesthetics. The iPhones little screen and boxy look is now feeling very old. Jobs needs to innovate or die. Looks like he is going to die. I bought a Droid X because I like Verizon. EVO looks great, 4G is great! The iPhone is grounded in a system of too much control…and to slow of a network. Suck it Jobs! You lose.
you guys are really pathetic i’m sorry. you get so worked up about a freaking phone.
the people that come back to keep on posting, it doesn’t freaking matter, leave it alone and grow up
iPhone hands-down.
I had iPhone for 2 years and a month ago switched to the Evo. I hate it.
Its big, bulky, impossible to type without typo’s, sluggish, cumbersome, irritating, and NOT easy to navigate around. Another thing–you can’t change the volume unless your phone is unlocked. Irritating. If you have an iPhone, DON’T get the EVO.
i agree with mona, the iphone is the best phone, at least for me. Since i have it jail broken, it makes the iphone much better than other phones because the customization and other ultilities you are able to add on. ive been having an iphone for about 3 years now and have had little problems with the phone, but only until now have i considered to switch to another phone. either the EVO or the droid X. but i think ima wait 3+ months because there will most likely be even better phones, and maybe even a new iphone next june/july!