Sony has been demo/test-ing a Memory Stick TV tuner adaptor for a few years now. It was originaly meant for the Sony CLIE (Palm-based handheld), which was soon discontinued. The tuner card in the picture is for the standard memory stick card. This will not work with the duo cards that the PSP uses, but this shows that Sony is very close and is possible. Will most likley be better on the Memory Stick Duo because it supports much higher data transfer speeds. The card will be an off air tuner which will be controlled by a little app running on the device using it. But for now, a 1GB card is the best way to get media onto your PSP for most people. (can listen to music, watch movies, look at pictures, play games, and more… just by using memory sticks!)
Other related news: Sony will be launching the PSP in Europe on September 1st and they are planning to launch 20 Games and 10 UMD Movies. (No estimates on when Sony will start to re-stock the U.S.)
Update: Thanx 4 the links digg! Also check out PSP Hacker (they currently host the PSP swaploit memory stick hack) they seem to have posted a link to the same thing.
Update: (10/01/05) This image is for real, but is a 100% concept model. Sony for now has actually planned on looking towards distrubuting free and paid media through a webportal that the PSP v2.0s can access through their browsers via WiFi. These will include movie trailers, movies, music videos, podcasts, paid music, music, and plenty of other audio/video products.
Link: Kotaku | BargainPDA
Related: PSP Multi-Player Hack
Can I have A TV TUNER ONE GIGIBITE MEMORY CARD for a psp made by sony?
how i buy a tv tuner for psp?
where will i be able to get hold of these psp tv tuners and where and how much would they be.
It has been two years since I have posted this article and it doesn’t look like a TV Tuner will EVER be released for the PSP. It was a concept product created by Sony, but they had too many problems with it so never went through with it. Only way for videos is to stream it or via a Memory Card.
You’re absolutely right! I’ve read your post ages ago and was hoping for Sony to come up with a tv tuner for the PSP but until now ther has’nt been one. I’m just baffled as to why Sony can’t make one-and to think they ARE Sony..oh well, cest la vie!
Its already coming finally :). the tv tuner will be released in japan for 56 USD. so your pray has been answered :P.
hey, nice blog. have these things been released in the UK yet? Cheers.
where can i buy this 1 gigabite tv tuner made by sony? Is it available here in the philippines? Hoe much?
If you happen to live in Japan, you could actually get the TV service for free. All you need to do is buy the One-Seg TV tuner at any Sony store(Japan). Unfortunately the service is only available in that specific country..kinda sucks for the rest of us huh? Oh well, cest la vie
welcome to the real world!!! C’est la vie!!!
i love to buy a psps tv tuner but i cant find it please can you look for one for me. they can only be found in japan but it should be in leeds in agme shop oor like shops like argos. please find me one.
yours faithfull
samirul pir
one seg tuner is a compatible in the philipines,