August 07 PS3/Wii/360 Games
It looks like August will be a great month for games, even though game manufacturers are pushing most release dates towards the holiday season. August will be home to the Nintendo Wii’s most highly anticipated game, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. The PlayStation 3 will get both Tom Clancy’s GRAW2 and

It looks like August will be a great month for games, even though game manufacturers are pushing most release dates towards the holiday season. August will be home to the Nintendo Wii’s most highly anticipated game, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. The PlayStation 3 will get both Tom Clancy’s GRAW2 and Warhawk! Finally Bioshock and Medal of Honor Airborne will be available for the Xbox 360.
- Boogie – Electronic Arts
- Mercury Meltdown Revolution – Ignition
- Brunswick Pro Bowling – Crave Entertainment
- Dave Mirra BMX Challenge – Crave Entertainment
- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption – Nintendo
PlayStation 3:
- Madden NFL 08 – Electronic Arts
- Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 – Ubisoft
- Warhawk – SCEA
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 – Electronic Arts
- Dynasty Warriors: Gundam – Namco Bandai Games
Xbox 360:
- John Woo Presents Stranglehold – Midway
- Madden NFL 08 – Electronic Arts
- Two Worlds – Southpeak Interactive
- Bioshock – 2K Games
- Blue Dragon – Microsoft Game Studio
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 – Electronic Arts
- Medal of Honor Airborne – Electronic Arts
- MotoGP ’07 – THQ
- Stuntman: Ignition – THQ
Game Lists: Nintendo Wii | Sony PS3 | Microsoft Xbox 360