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August 2010 Game Releases

The month of August will be a bit slow month for gamers. Only a few popular titles will release: Madden NFL 2011, Red Dead Redemption: Legends and Killers, and Meteroid: Other M. Unfortunately, these games might get overshadowed by the highly anticipated, upcoming releases of Halo: Reach in Septembe
August 2010 Game Releases
Upcoming: August 2010
Date Game Title
Aug. 10 Scott Pilgrim vs. The World PS3, 360
Aug. 10 Madden NFL 2011 PS3, 360, Wii
Aug. 11 Monday Night Combat 360
Aug. 17 Toy Story Collector’s Edition PS3
Aug. 17 Kane & Lynch 2: The Dog Days PS3, 360, PC
Aug. 18 Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light 360
Aug. 24 Mafia II PS3, 360, PC
Aug. 24 Shank PS3, 360
Aug. 24 NHL 2K11 Wii
Aug. 30 Red Dead Redemption: Legends and Killers (DLC) PS3, 360
Aug. 31 Dead Rising: Case Zero (DLC) 360
Aug. 31 Meteroid: Other M Wii
Aug. 31 Combat Wings: The Great Battles of WWII Wii