E3 2010: Dance Central

But the real test came when the dancing started. Mr. Raad and I danced to Lady Gaga’s Poker Face (against Dominic’s will) on Medium difficulty (with the help of the professional dancer guiding us through the moves, of course), and were able to get 5 stars on the song! CEO and founder Sahas Katta was kind enough to record our performance, so check out the video below to see us bust our moves.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that Kinect tracked my movements perfectly, just like it did in the menu. I say pleasantly surprised because when I’ve played competing dance titles in the past, Just Dance (Wii). The other players and I had some trouble with delay, which caused scores to be a little lower than expected and the gameplay to be less responsive overall. With Dance Central, on the other hand, you can only blame yourself for not getting the score you want. Also, not having to hold onto a controller of any sort was pretty nice since it was one less distraction for me and my dancing. Ubisoft and Wii should be more than a little worried right now, because with highly responsive gameplay and no controller required, Dance Central looks poised to completely annihilate Just Dance and Just Dance 2 in the dance game genre. Look for Dance Central to hit U.S. store shelves on November 4, 2010.
Link: DanceCentral.com