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Griffin CarTrip Lets You Monitor Vehicle Efficiency From A Smart Phone

If you have ever wondered what the archaic “check engine” light on your car’s dash means or how fuel-efficient your car actually is, Griffin has an app for that. The company, which is famous for cases and accessories, is now venturing into car technology with the CarTrip. Griffin’s solution includes
Griffin CarTrip Lets You Monitor Vehicle Efficiency From A Smart Phone

If you have ever wondered what the archaic “check engine” light on your car’s dash means or how fuel-efficient your car actually is, Griffin has an app for that. The company, which is famous for cases and accessories, is now venturing into car technology with the CarTrip.

Griffin’s solution includes a free smart phone application and a CarTrip adapter that plugs into your car’s on-board diagnostic connector. For those not familiar, the connector is a port installed in all cars sold in the United States since 1996. It is usually located under the driver’s side dash near the brake pedals. The CarTrip is easy enough to install without help from a mechanic or auto service center. In the past this port was only by service technicians, but anyone with a smart phone can now connect to their car to record information such as fuel consumption, acceleration, top speed, and engine diagnostic codes.

Griffin’s mobile application, CleanDrive, analyzes numerous diagnostics to calculate a “Carbon Score” which indicates the environmental impact of your driving. The application visualizes data with graphics rather than raw numbers, making it easy to understand. The Bluetooth-enabled CarTrip wirelessly connects to smart phones so your car can remain cable-free. Also, this makes it possible to mount a phone to your dash to constantly monitor fuel efficiency while driving.

Griffin hopes this product will help drives save money and make them more environmentally friendly. The CarTrip will be available along with a companion iPhone app in the first quarter of this year for $90. An Android version of the app will be available in the second quarter.

Links: Griffin CarTrip | Griffin Technology