2 min read

Infographic: HTC EVO 4G vs. Droid Incredible

Android is on a roll. The relatively young mobile operating system by Google just overtook iPhone sales figures last month. Android fanboys (and fangirls) are already emerging even though the major Froyo v2.2 update hasn’t even been made available for most devices just yet (except Nexus One). The Dr
Infographic: HTC EVO 4G vs. Droid Incredible

Android is on a roll. The relatively young mobile operating system by Google just overtook iPhone sales figures last month. Android fanboys (and fangirls) are already emerging even though the major Froyo v2.2 update hasn’t even been made available for most devices just yet (except Nexus One). The Droid Incredible is one of HTC’s best packages and Verizon’s best smartphone. And it’s selling out quicker than it’s getting stocked. Then comes the HTC EVO 4G. It’s one of the most revolutionary phones for the U.S. Market as it sports 4G mobile broadband, a front-facing camera for video chat, an 8 person mobile hotspot feature, and an overly large 4.3 inch display. As with any gadget, there are pros and cons. We hope that this infographic can help seal the deal on helping you decide which phone is best for you.

If you haven’t read our review of Verizon’s HTC Droid Incredible, it’s worth a read.  We were lucky enough to pick up a HTC EVO 4G at Google I/O 2010 and although our full in-dpeth review isn’t yet published, we have posted some great high-resolution product shots.

UPDATE: EVO 4G vs. iPhone 4 vs. Droid X Infographic here!

Both phones are for the most part similarly matched. While the HTC EVO has an edge due to its 4G compatibility, coverage is limited to just 32 cities at the moment. While the EVO’s large screen is a plus, it might be a bit bulky for some. The Droid Incredible offers a competitive advantage with 8GB internal storage, which when paired with a 32GB microSD card offers more storage capacity than the HTC EVO. Verizon Wireless does arguably offer the best cellular coverage nationwide and the largest customer base; however, their pricing plans are more expensive than Sprint’s rates. Then again, the EVO does offer Skype Mobile Video Chat, 720p video recordings, and HDMI output. Deciding between these two phones might be a clear-cut decision for some but a hard choice for others; however I’ll assure you one thing: neither phone will disappoint. So, the big question, which one are you buying?

Editors Note: Contributed by Sharath Shroff, Sahas Katta, Jacob Mederos, and Ian Thackston.