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March 07 Wii/PS3/Xbox Games

This month Wii owners will rejoice with the arrival of four highly anticipated games. We are looking forward to how games like The Godfather: Blackhand Edition will work with the Wii controls. The PS3 will face some great games like Oblivion and Rainbow Six: Vegas this month, but unfortunately rathe
Wii - PS3 - Xbox 360

This month Wii owners will rejoice with the arrival of four highly anticipated games. We are looking forward to how games like The Godfather: Blackhand Edition will work with the Wii controls. The PS3 will face some great games like Oblivion and Rainbow Six: Vegas this month, but unfortunately rather than MotorStorm they are all ports from the Xbox 360. Finally on the Xbox 360 we are looking forward to Armored Core 4.


PlayStation 3:

Xbox 360:

Game Lists: Nintendo Wii | Sony PS3 | Microsoft Xbox 360
Related: Upcoming PS3, Wii, & 360 Games: Feburary