2 min read

Nintendo To Reveal A Playable Next Generation Wii At E3 2011

On November 19, 2006, the Wii arrived at stores across the United States. Instead of simply updating the graphics and processor speeds of its previous console, Nintendo chose a revolutionary wand-based controller that set it apart from its next-gen peers. Although the gamble was huge, Nintendo ended
Nintendo To Reveal A Playable Next Generation Wii At E3 2011

On November 19, 2006, the Wii arrived at stores across the United States. Instead of simply updating the graphics and processor speeds of its previous console, Nintendo chose a revolutionary wand-based controller that set it apart from its next-gen peers. Although the gamble was huge, Nintendo ended up striking lightning and sold more than 86 million units to date. At E3 this year, Nintendo will reveal their newest console with the hopes of stealing the show from Sony and Microsoft.

Today, Nintendo’s press release announced that their next gaming machine will arrive in 2012. The statement went on to say they “will show a playable model of the new system and announce more specifications at the E3 Expo”.  Although the press release was sparse, many of the speculations that have been swirling around the internet have finally been put to rest. We will see the next Nintendo console in June and it will be playable.

Although we got some answers today, people—including myself—are most interested in the details that are not yet announced. While rumors like a processor speed that will be more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 seem relatively unsurprising, some sources claim the Wii 2 will have a touch screen display on the controller and will be able to stream content directly from the console. If the latter rumor is true, then Nintendo could change the way we interact with our games once again.

However, I question how a table-based controller would feel in one’s hand and the cost. It would probably resemble a PlayStation Portable with touch capabilities, which could really work. On the other hand, the PSP also costs $129 and does not have expensive touch screen features. I doubt Nintendo would charge more than $100 for a controller. Then again, video game consoles, games, and accessories keep getting pricier each year. It could be a very possible and expensive reality.

All of this is merely speculation because Nintendo really has not given anyone concrete information about their next console. However, the company will put all rumors to rest on June 7th at the world’s largest video game press event in Los Angeles. Skatter Tech will be there bringing live coverage just as we did last year.

Links: Nintendo | E3