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Thoughts On Google’s Acquisition Of AdMob

As mobile devices slowly become prevalent components of the average person’s daily life, AdMob has capitalized on this growing trend by serving mobile ads to these small-screen devices. Based in the Silicon Valley, it is one of the world’s largest mobile advertising networks, serving billions of per
Thoughts On Google’s Acquisition Of AdMob

AdMob’s ad network spans across multiple mobile platforms, including the iPhone and Android. AdMob provides feedback on web analytics and application performance stats for both publishers and advertisers. The company hopes that these details will help their clients make better decisions by targeting appropriate segments of the market for maximizing profits. Those numbers also provide trending information so that customers can anticipate and prepare to monetize on a spike in traffic.

“It’s clear that mobile advertising is becoming a  much larger part of our clients’ and partners’ strategies and with this  acquisition, it’s now a central part of our own business,” said Google  VP of product management Susan Wojcicki

Google’s acquisition of AdMob makes perfect sense. Google’s number one source of revenue is advertising. As the internet-powered mobile segment grows, it’s important for Google to be the number one advertising service. Even though Apple didn’t manage to strike a final deal with AdMob, they too announced their plans to launch a competing service, the iAd platform. Mobile advertising is also emerging differently than web advertising did. Ads are more relevant and targeted to users than ever before. For instance, AdMob ads will heavily rely on geo-location. When a banner for a local restaurant appears within a web page or mobile application, viewers will have the option to call the company, get navigation-based directions to the location, or even load an interactive video. The company hopes that these better-suited ads will offer improved click rates for publishers and customers for advertisers.

Ultimately, Google has reinforced its intent to provide smarter advertising by combining its resources with AdMob’s mobile market share and technology. This move does not come as a surprise, but rather serves as a benchmark, indicating how the company is positioning itself for the future.

Links: Google Press Release