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Twitter Adds Support For Sharing Photos Through SMS

When 200 140 characters is not enough, attach a photo. After all, a photo is worth a thousand words and in Twitter currency that is nearly 25 tweets. In a press release today on Twitter’s Blog, the company announced that users can now post pictures by SMS. Simply attach a picture to the text of your
Twitter Adds Support For Sharing Photos Through SMS

When 200 140 characters is not enough, attach a photo. After all, a photo is worth a thousand words and in Twitter currency that is nearly 25 tweets. In a press release today on Twitter’s Blog, the company announced that users can now post pictures by SMS. Simply attach a picture to the text of your Tweet and send it to Twitter as you normally would using the short code 404-04 (for U.S.).

This may seem quite unnecessary in places where smart phones are prevalent, but this feature makes a lot of sense in many of the 80 countries in which Twitter operates. In fact, every month users send and receive nearly four billion Twitter messages via SMS. This feature has a lot of value especially in tense situations such as this summer’s Egyptian Revolution to share pictures quickly with the entire world from any mobile phone a camera and SMS capabilities.

Unfortunately the list of carriers is still very limited, but partnerships are in the works to rollout this feature to all carriers according to Twitter.

This feature is currently available with the following carriers*: AT&T, Verizon Wireless and Cellular South in the US; Vodafone, O2 and Orange in the UK; Vodafone Italy; Rogers Communications in Canada; VIVA Bahrain; and, TIM Brazil. We’ll continue to work with more carriers to enable their customers to share photos via text message.

Hopefully this will be available in the rest of the world soon and we can expect to see more pictures along with breaking news on Twitter

LInks: Twitter