“Add to Google Reader” Button

Google launched a Google Reader BETA service last month and since then there have been no major improvements to the service to make it better than their competitor’s services. When the service was released the only way to subscribe to feeds was to copy the actual RSS or Atom URL and paste it into Google Reader; there were no 1-click subscription methods. And even now Google has not announced this information on their website, but there is actually a way to create 1-click subscriptions with a special URL. To add a “Add to Google Reader” button on your website do the following: If you would like to use a button, you may wish to use the 80×15 .gif image I have created. Please save it and upload it to your ownserver. Link the image or any text to the URL provided below after replacing the “FeedHere” text with a link to your own feed. When someone clicks on the button or link it will load a page asking you whether you would like it to the personalized Google homepage or Google Reader.

(right-click save as)
URL: “http://fusion.google.com/add?feedurl=FeedHere”
Update: If you want a link that adds your feed directly to Google Reader instead of prompting the user, use the following:
URL: “http://www.google.com/reader/preview/*/feed/FeedHere”
Link: Google Reader BETA | Add SkatterTech 2 Google Reader
Related: Google Reader Launched (10.08.05)
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