1 min read

Concept Android Phone Features Three Displays

Over the past few years, smart phones have evolved to a point where they now have more processing power than computers from just a decade ago. However, design has not changed much. Every single Android device launched at the Verizon Wireless CES 2011 press event looked exactly the same: a single-pie
Concept Android Phone Features Three Displays

Over the past few years, smart phones have evolved to a point where they now have more processing power than computers from just a decade ago. However, design has not changed much. Every single Android device launched at the Verizon Wireless CES 2011 press event looked exactly the same: a single-piece black-colored slab. In fact, this design has become so popular that it has become rather difficult for many to visually identify one smart phone from another. Even the simple and extremely thin Apple iPhone 4 shares the same form factor. While the design may work, it will eventually get boring and overused. This is exactly why I was glad to see this innovative concept design entitled “flip” from a designer named Kristian Ulrich Larsen.

Even if the design is impractical, there are definitely creative elements that could easily make it into production in the near future. The concept demoed in the video below shows off a three flexible screen design. There are clearly elements from Android and iOS in the mockup, but the mashup is still absolutely unique. There is also a front-facing camera for video chat, a side-by-side screens form factor for reading a book, and even customizable LED lights for personalization. I could go on all day about the possibilities, but it is better to simply watch the video yourself.

The prototype is as imaginary as things can get. I am sure geeks would die to own one of these. If I were at a company like Apple or HTC, I would probably hire this designer quickly. Do you think this would be too complicated? If this was real, would you buy one? Let us know in the comments!

Link: Idkul Flip Phone