1 min read

CraigsNumber (beta)

Today when ID theft is so widespread, it is very important to avoid giving away personal information away as much as possible. Unfortunately most people, having no choice, end up giving away their personal phone numbers when posting on services such as Craigslist. Today a new service, CraigsNumber,
CraigsNumber (beta)

Today when ID theft is so widespread, it is very important to avoid giving away personal information away as much as possible. Unfortunately most people, having no choice, end up giving away their personal phone numbers when posting on services such as Craigslist. Today a new service, CraigsNumber, offers a safe solution. The free service will provide a temporary local number, which can be posted or given away to others. When the line is called, the caller will be transferred to your real number.

CraigsNumber currently provides numbers for San Francisco, Washington DC, Dallas, Atlanta, Miami, and New York. The number you are provided with automatically expires, but can be set to work for as long as a week at a time. Craigslist already protects your email address by creating random forwarding email address. If you use services such as Craiglist to buy or sell, we strongly suggest using CraigsNumber to protect your privacy.

If you know of any other similar services, which help protect your privacy, let us know!

Links: CraigsNumber.com | CraigsList