1 min read

Firefox v1.5.0.2 Update

04.13.06 – Mozilla has just released a minor, but important update for Firefox. In this version,, Mozilla has made the application more stable and has several security fixes. However, the importance goes to the Macintosh edition, which now has native Universal Binary support for Intel-based

04.13.06 – Mozilla has just released a minor, but important update for Firefox. In this version,, Mozilla has made the application more stable and has several security fixes. However, the importance goes to the Macintosh edition, which now has native Universal Binary support for Intel-based Mac OS X machines. This means Firefox will be much faster and users will see much better performance than before because it no longer needs to run through Apple’s emulator (rosetta). This update is not that important for Windows users, but ALL Intel Mac OS X should update right away. (If you have Firefox 1.5 or above go to Help -> Check For Updates)

Links: Mozilla Firefox | Release Notes
Recent: Firefox 1.5 Released | Firefox Extensions