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Google Base Launched [GoogleBlog]

After a few weeks of rumors that a “Google Base” service will be launched, Google has offically announced and launched it themeselves. Google just relased Google Analytics on Monday, so it looks like they are on a roll. This was just posted on digg. From Google Blog (11/15/2005): Link: Google Base H

After a few weeks of rumors that a “Google Base” service will be launched, Google has offically announced and launched it themeselves. Google just relased Google Analytics on Monday, so it looks like they are on a roll. This was just posted on digg.

From Google Blog (11/15/2005):

Link: Google Base Home | “First Base” [via GoogleBlog]
Recent Posts: Google Analytics | iPod Icon Mod

Today we’re excited to announce Google Base, an extension of our existing content collection efforts like web crawl, Google Sitemaps, Google Print and Google Video. Google Base enables content owners to easily make their information searchable online. Anyone, from large companies to website owners and individuals, can use it to submit their content in the form of data items. We’ll host the items and make them searchable for free. There’s more info here. [Read More…]

Some organizations are already using Google Base. Here are a few examples.

Right now, there are two ways to submit data items to Google Base. Individuals and small website owners can use an interactive user interface; larger organizations and sites can use the bulk uploads option to send us content using standard XML formats.
Rather than impose specific schemas and structures on the world, Google Base suggests attributes and item types based on popularity, which you can use to define and attach your own labels and attributes to each data item. Then searchers can find information more quickly and effectively by using these labels and attributes to refine their queries on the experimental version of Google Base search.
This beta version of Google Base is another small step toward our goal, creating an online database of easily searchable, structured information. As always, we welcome your feedback and ideas.