Google: Multipoint Directions

Google recently added a new feature into their mapping service, Google Maps, which now allows creating multiple destinations. Previously, the service only allowed use of “point A to point B” directions, however today users may create as many points as they want. Although this feature is new for Google Map users, services such as Yahoo! Maps has already had this feature for several months.
When using Google Maps, destinations can easily be reorganized by simply dragging them to a different point on the time line. One thing we found to be quite annoying is the fact that the entire page must be reloaded before a destination can be added. Therefore the page must be refreshed 5 times before your final map is ready if you plan to add 5 locations. I would expect Google to add the ability to enter multiple points at once in the future before asking your browser to refresh. Overall, the new feature makes Google Maps a more powerful tool. We suggest checking out both Google Maps and Yahoo! Maps. (Please let us know which one you prefer!)
Links: Google Maps | Multipoint Example
Related: Yahoo! Maps | Live Local