Google Talk Gets Upgraded

After being humiliated when a recent research analyst group’s statistics showed that Google’s product, Google Talk, held less than 1% of the Instant Messaging market share, Google released a major update. Google Talk users now have the ability to transfer files of any sizes through the client, leave each other voicemail messages, and on a fun note show your friends what you are listening to. The previous update, which was released a few months ago added in user avatars and themes.
New Google Talk Features:
- File Transfer: sent files such as videos, music, or photos via peer-to-peer technology. (unlimited file sizes)
- Voicemail: leave voice messages for users who are logged off or away. voicemail can also be left for non-GTalk users as an email attachment.
- Music Status: show GTalk friends what you are listening to on iTunes, Windows Media, Winamp, or Yahoo! Music Engine.
The best part of Google Talk was the size of the client. It took up a mere 700KB, however with the addition of these new features the program is now 1.23MB. Although this is still extremely small when compared to clients such as Skype, MSN, and Yahoo, as more features added in, the program will probably end up becoming as bulky as all the others.
Links: Google Talk | New Features
Related: Google Pack