Infographic: LinkedIn Hits 100 Million Members

Last week, LinkedIn announced that the company had reached 100 million users. While not nearly as impressive as Facebook’s half-billion user base, LinkedIn is currently adding nearly one million new members each week. For those not familiar with the company’s history, Reid Hoffman founded the still privately held professional networking service in 2002.
A little over half of current users live outside of the United States and the website is available in six languages. There are currently over 1,000 full-time employees working out of the seven international offices and the five offices spread across the United States.
LinkedIn published the following infographic on the official company blog:

As someone who has traditionally kept Facebook for family and friends, I jumped onto the LinkedIn bandwagon a long time ago to help build my career. I have also noticed a larger number of graduating university students doing just the same. While Facebook offers a resume-like section, it is not nearly as thorough as LinkedIn. The web service also does a better job at displaying relationships with second and third level connections rather than just “mutual friends.”
For the geeky, I highly recommend digging through LinkedIn Labs. Two of my favorite beta features include InMaps and ResumeBuilder. The former displays a cluster visualizing your network while the latter creates fancy well-formated resumes instantly with the data from your profile.
So, here is the big question: Are you going to start using LinkedIn if you are not already? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. Also, if you would like to stay up to date with future infogaphcis, feel free to subscribe by email, RSS, or through a social network.
Links: LinkedIn Blog | Skatter Tech Profile