‘Minimize’ Firefox Tabs

If you are like the majority of Mozilla Firefox users, you have probably have had times when you have too many tabs open that nothing is really visible. However if you install the FaviconizeTab extension, which works on Windows/Macs/Linux, you will have the ability to click on any tab and minimize it to nothing but the site’s icon. The extension can be customized from the option’s menu to minimize/expand on a double-click, alt-click, ctrl-click, or shift-click. Another nice addition which the developers included is the option to enter a list of URLs, which the extension will automatically minimize when opened.
With this extension and Firefox 2.0’s new tab scroll bar, there will be much more room for navigating tabs. If you know of any other good extensions for Firefox 2.0 which will improve tab usage, please let us know!
Download: FaviconizeTab (Mozilla Addons)
Links: Developer Homepage