NeWs Up^2-DaTe (10)
Yahoo | PSP | ScreenSavers | FTS | More…
1) Yahoo! is working on a new BETA News Site. One of the best features is the ability users will have the power to view news from categories such as Top Stories, World, National, Business, and Local from AP, Reuters, WashingtonPost, USAToday, and others in tabs. They have also added RSS feeds to just about everything, which makes it very easy to get the news you want from your My Yahoo! page. MSN is also working on a new news site called NewsBot. It looks amazingly bad at the moment, but everyone expects them to come out with something special.
Link: Yahoo! News BETA | MSNBC NewsBot
Related: Yahoo! Next | MSN Sandbox
2) PSP Icon Hack! I made an icon (.ico), which is assoicated with an .inf autoplay file that is only about 3kbs. This basically changes the default Removable Disk icon and replaces it with an icon of the PSP. All you need to do is drop 2 files into the main directory of your PSP and you will see a PSP with a blue screen the next time you plug in your PSP.
Link: PSP Icon Hack | +digg | digg story
Related: PSP WebBrowser Setup | MultiPlayer w/ One Game
3) The first release of The Revenge Of The Screen Savers started on monday. Leo Laporte, Kevin Rose, Patrick Norton, and Robert Heron spoke about the latest technology news. They spent most of the time letting everyone know where they are and what they have been doing since the original TSS was shutdown. The quality was not so great, but amazing good quality considering that they were using Skype. Kevin stated that The Broken is almost done and should be out very soon. He also said most of them including Dan Huard, are working on Systm.
Link: TROTSS (DL) | The Broken | Systm | ScopeTech
Related: SwitcherMan (Behind The Scenes Of Systm & Broken)
4) From The Shadows is a new technology show that you can watch only online. This is going to be very similar to TSS or the New Systm. The first episode they focused on testing the wifi capabilites of the Sony PSP and the Nintendo DS. The only way to download the video currently is through Bit-Torrent, but I was able to download hte 46MB within 25mins.
Link: From the Shadows | BitTorrent
*Note: This is my 10th NeWs Up^2-DaTe Article, I have had about 35,000 unique vistors so far this year. Most vistors are from the U.S., Canada comes in second second, and U.K. third. About 45% of my vistors are FireFox users, while the other 45% is Internet Explorer, and the last 10% is a mix of Safari/Netscape/Opera and other weird browsers. 80% of my vistors are usually using Windows XP, and the rest are using another version of Windows or MacOSX.
Link: See My Stats | 1and1 Hosting