NeWs Up^2-DaTe (13)
xBox 360 | Pentagon | PS2 Colors | BlockBuster | iRiver | Google
1) It’s xBox 360 week! Microsoft just released all the information they possibly could about the new xBox. It seems like an amazingly powerful unit. Take a look at this video (Windows Media / Apple Quicktime), which is made by Microsoft promoting the new unit. Sony originally had planned to launch the PS3 in 2006, but to stay strong in the market they announced that they will also be releasing the unit this year. Kotaku has a great article about every aspect of the xBox 360 so take a look.
Link: Kotaku | Full HQ xBox 360 Video | Flash Preview
2) Some articles have been spreading around the web about the Pentagon crash. There are many sites that seem to have reasonable evidence which is trying to prove that a Boeing 747 was not what hit the Pentagon. Don’t know if any of it is true or not, but most of these videos and clips are being taken down by the government so take a look if you have a chance.
Link: Pentagon Crash Videos | Pentagon Crash Info
Related: Satellite Image of Pentagon
3) The Slim PS2 will be available in 5 different colors in the U.S. very soon. Sony decided to release this after releasing the Silver PS2 in Europe and the White PS2 in Japan. For more information about the slim series, view my previous post. (bottom line, new unit is smaller & has a network card.)
Link: Kotaku (This will answer any ?’s you could possibly have.)
4) Get 1 MONTH (4 weeks) of free DVD Rentals from! This includes 3 DVDs out at a time and 2 in store Rentals/Games. Also this is not considered as a trial so if you do decide to keep the service then you will not be charged for your first month. You also have the power to cancel anytime before the 4 weeks end. Codes Are: usatoday 7, usatoday8, and usatoday9. Enter one of the codes while registering to the service.
Link: BlockBuster
5) iRiver T10 is a new line of mp3 players, which comes with an 1.1″ Color LCD and holds up to 1GB of music. The unit comes in Lime Green, Cherry Red, and Orange Yellow. It has a built in FM tuner and can play back WMA, OGG, and MP3. The battery lasts about 53 hours, but best thing about this unit is the way it looks.
Link: Engadget | iRiver
6) Google is trying to combine RSS & Atom feeds into Gmail. They are also combining their blogging service with Gmail to make it easier to read feeds. This will be just another one of those online RSS feed readers, but this will gain a lot popularity because of its speed, Gmail layout, & finally because everyone wants Gmail. They will most probably allow users to have the feed emailed to their computers if they are using POP3 to access their mail.