NeWs Up^2-DaTe (14)
Netfix/Walmart | PSP Update | Y! Messenger | PS3 vs. 360 | MSN Desktop
1) Netfilx and WalMart join forces. This means that WalMart will direct their customers to Netfilx to join the DVD rental service. And in return Netflix will direct their customers to WalMart’s online DVD collection to buy DVDs they like. This is going to stengthen both companies, and it will also destroy BlockBuster’s online rental service quickly. (BlockBuster is already planning to pull out of the online DVD rental service.) Also if you want to get 2 months of free rentals from BlockBuster (+ 1 Free DVD 2 Keep) do the following: First sign up to Netflix’s 2 week trial, Second cancel before the trial ends, Third email the cancelation notification to They will send you a coupon code, which you then can enter while registering for BlockBuster’s service.
Link: Netflix | Walmart | BlockBuster | Press Release NF WM
2) PSP FirmWare Update (US Only) v1.5 -> 1.51 Click 4 More GTA: Liberty City Stories 4 the PSP is now offical. Unfortunatly the planned release date is 09/01/05! Many stores are already taking in pre-orders because this might just become the most popular PSP game.
Link: GameSpot | IGN | digg | +digg
3) Yahoo! Messenger BETA v7.0 is here. Yahoo is also trying to compete with Skype by adding VOIP into this release. They are also taking it to the next level by adding features such as voicemail into it for free while it is a paid feature in Skype. Yahoo will most likley succede in this area because of the number of customers they currently have. Most users do not want to switch to Skype because it requires installing a new program, but this will be much easier for Yahoo users.
Link: Yahoo! Messenger BETA
Related: MSN Messenger
4) Some great PS3 and xBox 360 comparisions have been released so take a look. Hint: Sony PS3 wins in most aspects. Links: GameSpot | IGN
5) Systm is releasing their first episode on Monday! What is it? A great new online weekly technology show. It will be available in plenty of formats and will be distrubuted using BitTorrent technology. Other shows from the creates inculde This Week In Tech (TWIT), which is a weekly technology podcast, and The Broken, which is a set of online hacking videos.
Link: Systm | The Broken | TWIT
Related: KevinRose | ScopeTech | LeoVille | SwitcherMan
6) MSN Desktop Search leaves BETA! This program has many new great features, which finally beats the current abilites of Google & Yahoo’s Desktop Searches. It indexes only while your are not using the computer, which Yahoo doesn’t offer. It searches many more types of files than Google does, including MSN Messenger chat logs. Also the GUI beats that of all the other programs.
Link: MSN | Yahoo! | Google