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NeWs Up^2-DaTe (16)

PSP Price | Thunderbird + PodCast | Other 1) Sony will soon drop the price on the PSP to $200 from $250. The first MILLION units were all Sony value packs priced @ $250 with a 32MB card, headset, headset control, soft case, arm strap and the Spider-Man 2 UMD. The $200 ones will only…

PSP Price | Thunderbird + PodCast | Other

1) Sony will soon drop the price on the PSP to $200 from $250. The first MILLION units were all Sony value packs priced @ $250 with a 32MB card, headset, headset control, soft case, arm strap and the Spider-Man 2 UMD. The $200 ones will only include the PSP, battery pack, (less than) 32mb card and the charger. This will make the unit more affordable and more popular.
Link: digg | +digg

2) Thunderbird will support Podcasting in the next major release. Mozilla is working on a plugin with either Windows Meida Player or Quicktime to allow playing the Podcast direclty from Thunderbird with out needing to open an external program.
Link: Get Thunderbird | NewsCom

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