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NeWs Up^2-DaTe (19)

Google Maps | Wi-Fi Tracking | Skype | Blogger | digg | Other 1) Google Maps now has plenty of High Resolution Satellite images from all around the world. Google recently also added in maps for the entire world, but currently only consists of country names. Link: Google Maps | Google SightSeeing 2)

Google Maps | Wi-Fi Tracking | Skype | Blogger | digg | Other

1) Google Maps now has plenty of High Resolution Satellite images from all around the world. Google recently also added in maps for the entire world, but currently only consists of country names.
Link: Google Maps | Google SightSeeing

2) Skyhook Wireless is using Wi-Fi to find lost laptops, smart phones, and all other Wi-Fi enabled devices. It can pin point any device and map it. It will work through out most major cities where they have setup plenty of WiFi access points.
Link: Information Week
Related: NetStumbler | PSP WiFi

3) Skype v1.3.0.51 is out. They have made many improvements to the program, mainly re-arranging the menus and buttons. They also modified the theme of the program. They also fixed the always “online” problem they had with many users.
Link: Skype (new website theme) | Download Skype | ChangeLog

4) Google’s Blogger service upgrades! Blogger has added in a new interface to allow uploading photos from your computer as well as the web. They have also allocated 300MB of space to store photos on your blogs.
Link: digg | +digg | GoogleBlog | Update Info 1/2/3

5) Digg 2.0 will be out soon, but digg has put out a beta version of how their site will be after they move to new servers and make some final changes. Just by looking at the interface it is easy to say that this might just become a “slashdot killer”.
Link: Digg Beta (un & pw: betatest) | Digg (Current Site)

iTunes songs are $1.05 instead of $.99 because of some new tax rules in some states. Not only applies to iTunes, but any type of paid downloadable service – link

Sony’s UMD Disc format was offically approved as a standard media format by the Ecma. A UMDs holds 1.8GB and are read by PSPs. Sony has sold 2.9 million units since March. – link

Yahoo! closes all user created public chat rooms due to large amounts of inappropriate discussions. Still allowed to create and invite users to your own rooms. – link