NeWs Up^2-DaTe (20)
Yahoo! | Google | SkypeOut | Gaim | LG Palm OS | Others
1) Yahoo! launches SMS services for all mobile phones that support text messaging. This is a complete copy of Google’s TXT 2 46645=Googl, which never gained popularity. And Yahoo’s is 92466=Yahoo. Sending a SMS to either of these numbers with “pizza 95030” for example, would send you a message back in a few seconds with the 3 closest places. It will include NAME, PHONE #, ADDRESS, and WEBSITE URL as a part of the reply. Also can receive Weather (w Area Code), Dictionary (Define CAR), Horoscope (HOR Aries), Find WiFi (WiFi Area Code), and Zip Codes (Zip Code Boston). (P.S. Services are free, only your service provider may charge you for use of text messages.)
Link: More ShortCuts | Yahoo! Mobile Demo | Google Mobile
2) Google just added a Currency Conversion feature into their search results! Just type in 5 USD in GBP and you will get an instant conversion of how many British Pounds are equal to 5 US Dollars. It will convert most currencies into others. (see link 4 more details) Google also released their official Firefox toolbar. (still in beta)
Link: Google Conversion | Google FF Toolbar
3) Free SkypeOut Days! [via digg] On Free SkypeOut Days anyone can redeem 10 minutes of SkypeOut credit for free. There will be 4 Free SkypeOut days this month (July 05). You will see a “get a free Skype gift buttton” on your account page so keep looking!
Link: digg story | Free Skype Days
4) Gaim 1.4.0 released on (07/08/05). Has many important bug fixes so update to this version as soon as you can. They also have a GTK version out now so you will get the update when you install the new version.
Link: Download Gaim | Full ChangeLog
5) LG gets liscensing to use PALM OS in their new SmartPhones. These phones will be the first phones to be using a Linux-Based PAlm OS. They decided to go with Palm after they were having trouble developing their own programs that acts as PDAs. They do not know any specific details on the phones that will be using this, but they expect the first phones of this kind to be released in 2006.
Link: PC World Article
Related: Sony Erricsson & Napster Team Up
TWiT 12 is out!
London Bomb Blasts [via Flickr]
Logitech PlayGear Pocket 4 PSP Review [via PSP 411]
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