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TiVo | Google Talk & Desktop v2.0 | PSP v2.0 | Apple | AllofMp3 | Other 1) TiVo Desktop v2.2 and TiVo Series 2 v7.2 – After updating both you TiVo and your desktop client you will be able to do PC -> TiVo transfers. (if they follow the codec requirements). To get the v7.2…

TiVo | Google Talk & Desktop v2.0 | PSP v2.0 | Apple | AllofMp3 | Other

1) TiVo Desktop v2.2 and TiVo Series 2 v7.2 – After updating both you TiVo and your desktop client you will be able to do PC -> TiVo transfers. (if they follow the codec requirements). To get the v7.2 for your unit you will either need to wait a while until the update reaches you or enter your TiVo Service ID # into their Priority Request form to recieve it faster.
Link: TiVo Desktop | TiVo Priority Request Form

2) “Google Talk” – Google is getting ready to launch a IM (w/ Voice) client, which is going to compete with AIM, Yahoo, and MSN. This will also compete with Skype, a free voice over IP clietnt, which Yahoo! is already at war with. Some people have found that Google is already running a Jabber Server, which is an OpenSource IM protocol. Keep looking because there is a good chance that this is more likley to happen than the “Google OS Project.” (P.S. Many major news sites are reporting that this might be launched on 08/24/05!)
Link: BetaNews | DownloadSquad | eWeek | PC MAG

3) Google launches Desktop Search v2.0 w/ a Sidebar – This new feature creates a side bar on you desktop where you can view News, RSS Feeds, Notes, Weather, Photos, Stocks, Email (gmail/outlook), and WebLinks. It also allows you to search your desktop as you type either from the taskbar or the sidebar. v2.0 also supports search chat logs in AIM, Yahoo, & MSN.
Link: Google Desktop Search v2.0 w/ Sidebar
Related: Google Earth | Google Firefox Toolbar | Picasa

4) PSP Firmware v2.0 should be out soon! – v2.0 was launched in Japan on July 27, 2005, then was suppost to be launched in the US (North American Version – NA) on August 12, which was soon pushed back to the 15th. A few days later a Sony announcement stated that it would be released sometime during the week of August 22nd. The file appeared on a Sony page, but soon disapeared. To keep you PSP safe do not update it with any firmwares found on any site, but the US Playstation Site. Or just wait and do the WiFi update!

5) Apple Mighty Mouse – Apple’s latest accessory is a $50 mouse that includes features that standard Apple mouses didn’t include. Some are a scroll button and left and right hand click.
Link: Apple Mighty Mouse | Product Review

6) AllOfMp3 gets a new theme! – This now makes it look more like a professional music store. There is no word whether the service is legal or not, but they WON some lawsuits and are still running. It may be legal in Russia, but isn’t in the U.S. (as seen on TechTv, works great and no one there 2 catch you!)
Link: AllofMp3

EBgames PreOrder Xbox 360
Knoppix 4.0 DVD
DVD Shrink Gone 4 Good
Skype Update v1.3.0.60
Google News gets RSS
Yahoo! Messenger 7.0 is OUT!
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Free Windows Vista Icon Set
Gaim v1.5.0 Now Available

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