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NeWs Up^2-DaTe (29)

Skype 2.0 | TiVo Online | Software Updates | Recent 1) Skype 2.0 BETA now has Video! – released to public on 12.01.05. There are major changes including thousands of features, changes, and bugfixes when comparing it to the current v1.4. (See Full Change Log) There were many 3rd party addons to enabl

Skype 2.0 | TiVo Online | Software Updates | Recent

1) Skype 2.0 BETA now has Video! – released to public on 12.01.05. There are major changes including thousands of features, changes, and bugfixes when comparing it to the current v1.4. (See Full Change Log) There were many 3rd party addons to enable video, but Skype has offically added it into the program themselves at last. (v2.0 BETA only available for Windows)
Link: Get Skype 1.4 | Skype 2.0 BETA | Full ChangeLog

2) TiVo has offically launched “TiVo Online Services,” which brings broadband enabled users live data from Yahoo and other providers. Starting now information from Yahoo Photos, Weather, Traffic, and other services such as Live365 Radio and Fandango will be available to everyone for FREE. (+ Podcasts) It may take a few weeks to recieve the update, but if you are in a hurry to try it out, submit your TiVo service number into the Priority List and you will recieve your update within three days. (Only for broadband enabled Series 2 units)
Link: TiVo Online Services | Priority List

SoftWare Updates:
a) VideoLan v0.8.4 has been released. Tons of features since v0.8.2.
Link: VideoLan | Download VLC | (See Full ChangeLog)
b) Azureus (Java BitTorrent Client) has been updated to v2.3.0.6
Link: Download Azureus | Java Required | (See Full ChangeLog)

Gmail AntiVirus Soon? – gmail might get a virus scan soon
Mozilla Firefox v1.5 – a new major update for Firefox
Playstation Portable v2.6 – adds WMA and RSS support
Free PS3s Conga Line – get a free PS3 from FreePay