NeWs Up^2-DaTe (4)
1) Sony is attacking Apple’s iPod Shuffle with a new line of Mp3 players. The NW-E100, NW-E105, NW-E107, NW-E400 and NW-500 which come with either 512MB or 1GB of storage. All the players have a 3-line display and FM radio. The main thing that makes this a threat on the iPod Shuffle is the formats its supports. Can now play not only ATRAC3, but also Mp3, WMA, and WAV. Best of all a 50-70-hour playback on both the AAA and Lithium Ion models!
Link: InfoSync (PG -1- and -2-) | Sony
2) Google Desktop Search is the first “Desktop Search” prorgam that leaves BETA version. It can now search Outlook, Outlook Express, OpenOffice, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, IE, AIM, Trillian, mIRC, Netscape Mail, Thunderbird, Firefox, Mozilla, PDF, Music, Images, and Video. Also has hundreds of additional plugins. And now includes a taskbar search similar to MSN’s Desktop Search.
Link: Google Destkop | digg | +digg
3) Sony PlayStation Portable is only a few weeks away! (March 24th, 2005) Many sites are taking in Pre-Orders. Most stores are selling the unit in some types of packages with either a choice of games or accessories.
Link: eCost | BestBuy | Fry’s-Outpost | CircuitCity | Costco | Amazon-ToysRUS |