PSP Firmware v2.60 Released

Sony has released Firmware v2.6 for the PlayStation Portable on 11.28.05. The last update was v2.5 and it added a LocationFree Player, which allows streaming of video to the PSP. The update before that, v2.0, added a WebBrowser. This latest update’s main features include WMA support, DRM capabilities, and a RSS Reader. Read the full changelog provided below for a full list of changes.
PSP Firmware v2.60 ChangeLog:
- [RSS Channel] has been added as a feature under [Network].
- [Simplified Chinese (GB18030)] and [Traditional Chinese (Big5)] have been added as options to [Encoding] under [View] in the [Internet Browser] menu bar*.
- *Characters may be indistinct in some cases when these encoding options are selected.
- [Volume Adjustment] has been added as a feature to [LocationFree Player].
- You can now download video data that supports copyright protection using the [Internet Browser].
- WMA has been added as a codec that can be played under [Music]. (This applies to music data saved on Memory Stick.)
- Note that you must adjust system setting to enable playback of WMA format music data. A connection to the Internet is required to adjust the setting.

The RSS Reader will only work with RSS feeds that have compatible Mp3 tags. (will not work with Atom feeds.) The Reader does not actually display text but is rather is used to play podcasts directly on the PSP without having to either use a computer or having to visit a website to download a new episode everytime it becomes available. The only disadvantage while using this is that the you will not be able to save podcasts while using this interface. The audio will rather be streamed directly to the PSP and therefore you will need to be connected to the network for it to function.
Link: USA PlayStation Portable Update Page
Related: PSP Firmware v2.50 Released
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