Setup Dual Monitors In Windows 7

Hardware + Software Requirements:
- Laptop with a VGA, HDMI, or DisplayPort output
- A Monitor with a VGA, HDMI, or DisplayPort input
- One cable to connect them together
- Running Windows 7, with proper drivers
Getting Setup:
- Connect the monitor to your laptop
- Right Click on the desktop and select Screen Resolution
- Choose “Extend these displays” found under “Multiple Displays”
For most, that should be about it. Just hit Apply and everything should be setup. But for instance say you have physically positioned your laptop and monitor above or below each other. You’ll have to make a few changes. Click Identify to figure out which monitor is which. Then drag the display icons into the proper position as they are located physically on your desk. If you would like the start menu to be located on a different display, click on the display you want and check the “Make this my main display” box. Hit Apply again and all should be working! Give it a shot, just try dragging a window from one display to another.
If you have any questions or just want to say thanks, feel free to leave a comment!
Related: Setup Multiple Monitors in Vista