2 min read

Share Files With Friends In Real-Time With Ge.tt

Sharing files with family and friends is easy right? Unfortunately, just about every solution has drawbacks. While free services may often seem convenient, advertisements generally infest these websites. Legitimate solutions generally require creating an account which is a hassle. Fortunately, there
Share Files With Friends In Real-Time With Ge.tt

Sharing files with family and friends is easy right? Unfortunately, just about every solution has drawbacks. While free services may often seem convenient, advertisements generally infest these websites. Legitimate solutions generally require creating an account which is a hassle. Fortunately, there is another impressively simple solution: Ge.tt.

I had a chance to meet the folks behind the company at TechCrunch Disrupt and I soon realized Ge.tt was in many ways unlike other competing solutions. For starters, the website is entirely free of Adobe Flash. Ge.tt takes advantage of HTML5 even with drag-and-drop support for one or more files.

Ge.tt generates links to share with others instantly without forcing users to wait until uploads are complete. It gets even better. When you provide the link with others, they can begin downloading files even before you finish uploading. The website even intelligently prioritizes uploads when dealing with multiple files to ensure those downloading a file will not have to wait too long.

The terms and conditions state a 2 GB file size limit, but users can still upload an unlimited number of files as long as individual items meet that restriction. Not having to deal with dozens of advertisements and pop-ups alone is a good enough reason to use Ge.tt. Registration is also optional, but those who create an account have access to statistics, can add/remove files, and extend the availability of uploaded files to 90 days from the standard 30 day duration.

I was also quite impressed to find a fairly robust built-in file preview interface. For instance, Ge.tt provides a player for uploaded audio, a way to preview PDFs without downloading, and much more. I have tried other solutions such as YouSendIt and Min.Us in the past, but Ge.tt is now a current favorite due to utter simplicity. There are social sharing links for Facebook and Twitter too.

While I still use Dropbox’s public folder feature offers for sharing files with non-users, I am glad to have Ge.tt available as another alternative. Even services such as Box.net still limit file size to just a 100 MB and having the freedom to upload up to 2 GB files with Ge.tt makes the service quite attractive.

Link: Ge.tt

Some Technical Details: As for the technology behind the scenes, the co-founder of Ge.tt noted the service runs on Amazon Web Services. Even more impressive might be the fact that Node.js, server-side Javascript, powers the entire application. I was also told Ge.tt would have considered Joyent for hosting, a major proponent of Node.js, but the hosting provider had not yet picked up the technology when this service made a debut.