3 min read

Skatter Tech: August 09 Upgrades

Skatter Tech has received some new features and enhancements over the past couple of days. Things will be faster, easier to use, and more compatible with the technology you use. We’re not stopping here either, more upgrades are due soon including the ability to allow you folks to leave comments on S
Skatter Tech: August 09 Upgrades
Skatter Tech Comments

Skatter Tech has received some new features and enhancements over the past couple of days. Things will be faster, easier to use, and more compatible with the technology you use. We’re not stopping here either, more upgrades are due soon including the ability to allow you folks to leave comments on Skatter Tech using your Facebook account. For now, here’s what we’ve got for you:

Follow us on Twitter

Follow Us and Be a Fan:
Skatter Tech is now officially on both Twitter and Facebook. We’ll be posting updates both sites about newly published content. We’ll also be doing a few giveaways before the end of this year of gadgets that have been reviewed here. So if you’ve followed or become a fan of us, you’ll be notified when it happens!

Skatter Tech Comments

Discussions on articles will now be easier than ever before. The “quote” feature has now been dropped in exchange for a threaded commenting system. Replies to a person’s comment will be displayed directly below the original comment. For now only one level of replies have been enabled, however if found useful more depth will be implemented. User images are now fully powered by Gravatar. If you have setup an account there, your photo will be displayed on any comment you leave on Skatter Tech.

Skatter Tech Feed

RSS Feed:
Due to certain incompatibility issues readers were facing, all feeds on Skatter Tech are now optimized with Google’s FeedBurner. Our feeds have and will always continue to be full length feeds. We will never force you to have to leave your RSS Client to retrieve the rest of the content, although we do encourage discussion. Current subscribers should be able automatically begin to receive the newly formatted feeds without any action necessary on their part.

Web Compatibility:
All content on Skatter Tech is now 100% XHTML 1.0 Valid. We’re trying to keep up with web standards and requirements. Skatter Tech should work in just about any major browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Google Chrome.

Mobile Edition:
If you’ve got an Apple iPhone, RIM BlackBerry, or any other mobile device that has a web browser you’re now in luck! No special mobile URLs are needed, just visit skatter.com as you would do on your computer on your mobile device. A mobile friendly version of Skatter Tech should appear in your browser. We’ve got an interface for both touch screen and standard browsers. So what are you waiting for, give it a shot and let us know how it works!

Other Info:
We’re also running on the latest version of WordPress (2.8.3 at the time of publication) and running on Media Temple’s Servers. More upgrades are on their way including resurrecting our forums and integrating social networking authentication. Check back for more updates!