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Skatter Tech Heads to Comic-Con 2010

Skatter Tech is making our first trip to Comic-Con 2010 this week. We’re heading to the San Diego Convention Center for a nearly week-long event. It all starts with Wednesday’s preview night (7/21) and we’ll be making our way back to the San Francisco Bay Area on Saturday. Alex Harvey-Gurr, Dominic
Skatter Tech Heads to Comic-Con 2010

Our current schedule already includes panels for Burn Notice, Psych, Red vs. Blue, Halo: Reach, Stargate Universe, Star Wars: Old Republic, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Fable III, and Futurama. We’ll also be attending Gphoria, Diggnation Live, Totally Rad Show, and other events. There’s of course exhibitors such as EA, Activison, Capcom, Warner Brothers, Ubisoft, Sega, Sony, Konami, Lucasfilm, Marvel, and many more that we’ll be meeting.

To stay ahead of the news and find out what we’re up to, feel free to sign up for email updates or subscribe to our RSS feed. We’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

Links: Comic-Con 2010 | Exhbitor List