Skatter Tech: September 09 Upgrades

For the second consecutive month, I’m glad to announce a whole new set of enhancements that have been applied to Skatter Tech. Our code is more efficient than ever, light weight, and faster to load. Plus we’ve maximized compatibility for 90% of the browsers that access our blog. Here’s whats new:
Web Compatibility:
Since last month our content has been valid for XHTML 1.0. Today I’m glad to announce that the same applies to CSS 2.1. That won’t mean much to the average user, but it’s a step to keep within the web design guidelines. Our databases got refreshed, images optimized, and scripts compressed meaning things should load a lot faster than before. We try to make sure compatibility with every browser, but these browsers will render Skatter Tech properly: Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome. (If want to help us throw in support for Opera, please feel to give us a hand. We might need it!)

Social Networking:
We launched a Facebook Fan Page and a Twitter Account last month. It’s been a great source of traffic and letting new readers know about our site, we plan to keep those going strong. We also added easier methods to share reviews on Skatter Tech with some of the most popular sites including Delicious, Digg, LinkedIn, MySpace, Reddit, StumbleUpon, and Yahoo Buzz. You can find those icons conveniently placed below each article. We encourage you to share the stories you enjoyed most with your friends!
We kept hearing about irrelevant and the occasional “spam nature” of the Ads on Skatter Tech. Unfortunately we can’t entirely get rid of ads since that’s our main source of income, but have taken steps to change what’s seen. The majority of Ads are now hand selected and approved by us. Same rules applies to sponsors. If it’s inappropriate or shady, no one will ever have to see it here. Ads that are generated for relevance, now are targeted and optimized to help you find relevant deals.
Author Info & Contact
Although we’re still updating it, you can find out more about me and the rest of Skatter Tech’s authors on the Author Page. And did you know that you can call us if you have a question instead of email? (No, we do not offer tech support!) Just visit the Contact Page to find out how!