V Cast Gets YouTube

For the past few weeks may rumors have been circulating that YouTube is planning to offer content for mobile device, however there wasn’t any info on what was planned until now. Today YouTube and Verizon Wireless announced a partnership to offer V Cast enabled customers access to YouTube video content. According to the two companies, starting in December, selected content from YouTube’s “most popular” list will begin to appear on Verizon Wireless phones.
“Delivering YouTube content gives V CAST customers a mobile connection to video content that has revolutionized how people are being entertained today,” – John Harrobin Digital Entertainment VZW
Although the available content is free, access to it will not be. Verizon Wireless customers will need to have V Cast supported phones such as the Motorola KRZR, LG Chocolate, or LG enV and need to subscribe to a $15/month V Cast package. Along with YouTube videos, subscribers will continue to have access to unlimited amounts of entertainment, sports, news, and weather clips. ($3 daily access available) In addition to viewing content, VZW customers with camera phones will be able to “easily” upload videos directly to YouTube directly from their device.
Getting more people hooked onto YouTube by offering it on mobile phones may seem like a good idea, but we don’t know how this will work since less than 20% of Verizon Wireless users are subscribed to V Cast. We also wouldn’t be surprised if YouTube struck deals with other cell phone providers such Sprint, Cingular, or T-mobile in the near future.
Links: YouTube | Verizon Wireless
Related: Google Acquires YouTube