WordPress v2.1 Upgrade

Only about two weeks after the launch of WordPress 2.0.6 and 2.0.7, the WordPress crew finally pushed v2.1 (aka “Ella”) out of beta. WP2.1, rather than a patch, is a major upgrade from the 2.x series. The blogging engine, which Skatter Tech is currently running, now has a more powerful back-end for administrators to manage content. Although many plugins no longer work for 2.1, we recommend updating since it also includes over 550 bug fixes. The following is some of the major changes implemented.
WordPress v2.1 Features:
- Ajax AutoSave Posts – prevents loosing posts
- Tabbed Editor – WYSIWYG and Raw Code
- Ajax-based Spell Checker for composer
- XML Import/Export – transfer data between blogs
- Search Engine – custom indexing privacy settings
- Front Page – set any page as the main page
- Blogroll – many improvements and changes
- Login – redesigned screen from Shuttle
- Ajax Admin Panel – helps speed up tasks
- Comment Feeds – includes all rather than last 10
- Uploads – management for uploaded data
- Other: Cron support, new APIs, and more
We are pleased with the overall improvments the update brings. Managment and content seems to be flowing much faster than ever before. As we mentioned we are having diffucluties with some plugins, but most of the major ones either already have been updated or work.
Links: WordPress 2.1 ‘Ella’ | Download
Related: Instructions For 2.0.x to 2.1