We just got our hands on the Apple iPhone 4 for AT&T. While I was a bit iffy about the style after browsing through Apple’s official web gallery, I actually find the design sharp and modern-looking after handling it. For those who aren’t familiar with Apple’s fourth generation iPhone, its features include a front-facing camera for FaceTime video chat, a high-resolution Retina Display, high-speed 802.11n WiFi, iOS 4 with multitasking, 720p video recording with a 5 megapixel camera, a full iBook store, and much more. Apple sold nearly 600,000 iPhone 4 pre-orders, but the final numbers for the launch probably won’t be available for a few days. As for competition, it faces the HTC EVO 4G from Sprint and the Motorola Droid X from Verizon Wireless.
While I haven’t had enough time with the phone for a full review, I have a great set of our very own product shots to share. We also have a few bonuses shots at the bottom!

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