Although Google touts the “open nature” of Android, one major fault caught my eye: carrier exclusive apps. For those unaware, certain applications such as Qik Video Chat, Blockbuster, Skype, and Bing are currently restricted to Android devices on specific carriers. Although Apple has had a fair share of criticism for a heavily restricted App Store, the system has proven to…
Remember when modchips first came out? You had to violate your Playstation in order to play games on burned disks? Well, I do, and what I remember most wasn’t the fact that my friends got to play the newest games for free. It was the complicated—and very dangerous—procedures they had to go through in order…
The Nintendo Wii has been a topic of discussion by hardcore and casual gamers alike. Around its 2006 release date, many people were concerned that Nintendo had chosen a different path than Microsoft and Sony. While those systems created massive gaming machines capable of running games with environments and characters that possessed more pixels than…
The fight over net neutrality legislation currently being waged has many key players, of those, Google has on numerous occasions come out in support of net neutrality. On the other hand, Verizon, as well as other telecom companies, oppose the regulations. Now, in a surprising turn of events, both Google and Verizon have negotiated an agreement on…
Last week, Facebook released a long-awaited revamp of their Android App. Prior to the update, the app’s feature set was rather embarrassing. It failed to offer a decent interface and lacked many features that Facebook’s official app for iOS and webOS devices had. When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, made the transition from an iPhone to an Android device,…
Last month at E3 2010, OnLive debuted their streaming video game service. For those who haven’t heard of it, think of it like Hulu or YouTube, but for games. Both Windows and Macintosh users can choose to play from a selection of popular titles without having to install each game. OnLive doesn’t need a decked-out…
Swype is unquestionably the latest typing craze to hit phones since the introduction of QWERTY keyboards. Sure, advancements in predictive text and auto-completion are great, but this is truly revolutionary. Tech publications, including Skatter Tech, have been buzzing about Swype recently, touting its benefits over the current “tap and peck” method for text entry on…
The way the world shares information has been transformed dramatically since the advent of the Internet. It is therefore important for us as a society to consider what role it is going to play for future generations. Many argue that the Internet ought to be a communication medium free from outside intervention and should provide…