Opinion Hub

You’d have had to have been living in a cave for the past year to not notice how the world of entertainment  has adopted 3D technologies in just about every conceivable way possible. Almost anything you can watch or play has now entered the third dimension, whether it’s thanks to Panasonic’s full HD 3D TV…

June 29, 2010 10:05 PM

As those following the news for the past day and a half already know, the iPhone 4’s launch hasn’t exactly gone as smoothly as Apple had hoped. There were reports yesterday that users who held the iPhone 4 in a way that covers the lower left corner of the phone would lose reception. This is…

June 25, 2010 11:55 PM

As some may remember, yesterday Sahas Katta and I attended the San Francisco satellite stream of Verizon Wireless’ Droid X press conference. After the event, everyone attending was given a loaner unit with service for the month. It would be an understatement to say that I was excited to get my hands on the new…

June 24, 2010 11:49 PM

In terms of inches, almost every range of screen size has been monopolized. Televisions have a firm grasp on the “27 or more” inch market. Cell phones and smart phones dominate the 1-5 inch department, and laptops or personal computers generally have 13 to 27 inch screens. However, one area that does not have an…

June 22, 2010 08:50 PM

After having a chance to try out both Microsoft’s Kinect for the Xbox 360 and Sony’s Move for the PlayStation 3 at E3, it’s clear that there are advantages and disadvantages to each. However, before that, let’s make one thing clear: goodbye Wii. While Nintendo has held first place for the most units sold in…

June 20, 2010 10:28 PM

With the announcement of the new iPhone 4G and wide praise for the iPad, it would seem that Apple has been shifting all of their production over to portable devices. Today, however, Apple has released and started shipping its new Mac mini to provide a little something for their desktop users. Apple has taken into…

June 15, 2010 10:18 AM

Google’s recent announcement of the exciting new “Google TV” has many scratching their heads. However, the question isn’t really “why,” but rather “what now?” Google TV isn’t a new concept by any means. Various companies such as Boxee, Microsoft, and HP have released products that bring the Internet to your TV. Some of these products, such as Microsoft Media Center, are applications that…

May 28, 2010 10:26 AM

Whether you’re a fan of mixed martial arts (MMA) or fighting games, THQ’s most recent UFC video game is an important shift in the gaming world that everyone needs to pay attention to.  Following in the footsteps of EA and their approach to its sports titles, UFC Undisputed 2010 will be THQ’s first attempt at…

May 27, 2010 09:45 AM

The original Nintendo DSi was incredibly successful and expanded on portable gaming technology. It developed on what made the earlier DS series popular and took it to a whole new level. But, has Nintendo gone too far this time? Within a year, a brand new Nintendo product has been released that adds nothing to the original…

April 3, 2010 07:30 PM

With so many options available on the market, for some, choosing the right computer monitor may seem like a daunting task. While the average consumer is often focused on price point alone, the fact that “you get what you pay for” still holds true. The two monitors I’ll be using for an example in this…

December 15, 2009 11:51 AM