As of 06.30.05 there have been over 50,000 people (unique vistors) that have viewed pages on www.sahaskatta.com. This month, June, was had the highest amount of vistors, bringing in about 20k. Over 90% of the vistors were using a Windows based operating system (almost 90% of that was some version of WinXP). The last 10% of vistors consisted of mainly of MacOS users (using Safari). On the overall chart Microsoft Internet Explorer accounted for about 48%, and Mozilla Firefox was about 44% of the total vistors. (the remaning 8% was either Safari, Opera, or Netscape.) The current daily traffic is about 800-900 hits, using up about 800 MB of bandwidth per day. Here is a list of some of my current sites: www.sahaskatta.com | skatter.com | torrent.sahaskatta.com | mobile.sahaskatta.com | (and finally skatter.com comming soon)